Latest Vigilante News

ul listed certificate camera

UL Listing Certificate for Security Installations in Troy, MI

At Vigilante Security, the safety and reliability of the products we use and recommend are paramount. One of the key certifications ensuring the highest standards of safety is the UL (Underwriters Laboratories) listed certificate. This certification is a mark of quality and safety that our clients can trust. In this document, we will provide detailed

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insider threat indicators

Insider Threat Indicators with Vigilante Security

Insider threats pose a significant risk to businesses, often leading to data breaches, financial loss, and reputational damage. Identifying and mitigating these threats requires vigilance and a comprehensive security approach. At Vigilante Security, we understand the complexities involved in managing insider threat indicators and offer robust solutions to protect your business. Behavioral Indicators Changes in

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Anti-Passback in Access Control Systems

Anti-passback is a critical feature in access control systems designed to prevent unauthorized access by ensuring that credentials cannot be used to gain entry into a secured area more than once until they have been properly exited. This feature enhances security by preventing individuals from passing their access cards to others for unauthorized entry. Below,

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fire alarm aspiration sensing technology

Fire Alarm Aspiration Sensing Technology

Fire alarm aspiration sensing technology (FAAST) represents an advanced method of detecting smoke and fire hazards early, offering significant advantages over traditional smoke detectors. This technology is especially beneficial in environments where early detection is crucial for protecting assets and ensuring safety. Here, we’ll provide a detailed overview of FAAST and its benefits, how it

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