Home Security Tips For Hosting A Party

As the weather gets warmer, it’s time to get outside, clean your grill, and throw a party! It is always great to get together with family and friends, although some security issues might arise, especially if your guests are allowed to bring people that you do not know. Here are some helpful tips you can use to make sure your event goes smoothly:
Notifying the police and your neighbors
This is more of a courtesy than anything else, but letting your local police department and your neighbors know that there might be some extra noise coming from your home. Giving your contact information to your neighbors will also help if your party gets too loud, and they can call you instead of the police.
Send Secure Invites
Fight the urge to notify everyone on your social media feeds about your party, as that information can be easily compromised. Sending either paper or secured email invites are safer, and allow your guests to RSVP with their attendance status, and also gives you a chance to include a space for other guests they might be bringing with them.
Select A Room For Storage
Although its warmer out, guests will need a place where they can store their light jackets, purses, or other valuables. A bedroom with a lock that only you have access to would work best, as this would deter anyone from taking something that was not theirs.
Keep an Eye Out
Place a camera in the area of the party with the highest density of guests (backyard, kitchen, etc.). This will allow you to check the camera through your phone to make sure nothing suspicious is going on without having to hover the whole night in that particular area.